Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Hike . . .

I am happy to say John is home . . . after a rather eventful trip to Mexico! He really enjoyed himself, but the last day and a half were less than desirable. He experienced a canceled flight and Montezuma's Revenge. Not too pleasant at all!

Today we went on a 10 mile hike along the Appalachian Trail from Gapland, MD to Harpers Ferry, WV. That was really cool. I liked the hike a lot. It was pretty easy, especially along the C & O Canal.

I know I don't look terribly attractive in this photo - but it was taken with my phone, so that is my excuse... plus we were hiking! The picture is where we stopped for lunch, an overlook at the end of the first ridge, about 6 miles from Gapland. That ridge was really cool. There was a shelter for through hikers on the AT. It was this log cabin enclosure, and it had a sweet loft, and was really well kept. The outhouse wasn't so awful either! The log from visitors was also rather interesting. I think it would be really cool to hike the AT one day. Well, obviously it would be more than one day ... it would take months. But I think that would be on my list. I think it is on John's list as well.

Even though it doesn't look like the weather was too beautiful in any of these pictures - it rained shortly after lunch, then blue skies for the rest of the day. Harpers Ferry was BUSTLING!! There were boy scouts and tourists everywhere. Canons were even going off. I think I am too used to Harpers Ferry as a desolate little town in the winter. It actually got really warm, and I got a little sun on my face, which is kind of nice, all considering my paleness. Well the husband is calling ... so off to dinner. (Thankfully not like the dehydrated meal he made for lunch!)

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